Sunday, November 6, 2011

To motivate yourself, apply Exploring rewards and Academic Fears!

Hi, girls. How was your weekend?
We are already in the mid of the semester and in order to improve my academic performance in courses for the rest of this semester, I tried the some strategies this week to find my motivation to change.

I used exploring rewards for accounting course. I categorized the rewards and changed the strategy to write down more than one item under no-cost and low-cost rewards because I like changes and I have more options when I want to reward myself, especially for no-cost rewards, I think I need to write down as much as possible, because I will not think it less valuable becasue it costs nothing.

I applied academic fears on my art history class, because I am kinesthetic learner, I listed down the most difficult things for this course, and I found the first three affects my grades on exam and I should combine the strategies I learned in CLS class to eliminate my fears. For the paper, I chose paper of this course as the paper experiment so I believe if I do it according to the paper experiment's requirement, I will be fine.

Because thanksgiving is coming and all my friends are talking about travel plans so I found myself really eager for the holiday and with no motivation to study at all these days. After doing these two strategies this week, I found myself more motivated to plan and study for the exams coming next week for these two course. That is so great and I am happy we learn that before my exams!

1 comment:

  1. Try using your eagerness of the holiday to motivate yourself! I know when I have a set date that I just can't wait to arrive, I want the time to pass quicker and I use my work and assignments to do so.
